The Muse


This flower arrangement is a perfect combination of pastel roses and red ranunculus. The pastel roses add a touch of elegance and grace to the arrangement, while the red ranunculus adds a pop of color and vibrancy. The arrangement is perfect for any occasion, be it a wedding, anniversary, or birthday. Order now from our online flower shop in Calgary and make your loved one’s day special!

SKU: 7HNQDsofiori-flowers Categories: , ,


This flower arrangement is a perfect combination of pastel roses and red ranunculus. The pastel roses add a touch of elegance and grace to the arrangement, while the red ranunculus adds a pop of color and vibrancy. The arrangement is perfect for any occasion, be it a wedding, anniversary, or birthday. The pastel roses are known for their soft and delicate appearance, while the red ranunculus is known for its bold and striking beauty. The arrangement is sure to make a statement and leave a lasting impression. Order now from our online flower shop in Calgary and make your loved one’s day special!

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